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Get to grips with Meditation with Charla Devereux | Podcast



Author Charla Devereux sits down with Neil del Strother to talk about her latest book ‘Your Meditation Journey’. Charla shares her journey on learning to meditate and how she practices mindfulness just by walking down the street. Your Meditation Journey: In today's hectic world we all need a way of countering the stresses and strains of modern living. Meditation holds the answer: it is the process of centring the mind and achieving a calm, balanced state of consciousness. Not only can it provide the clarity needed to cope with everyday challenges, but it can also help improve conditions ranging from anxiety to pain. This easy-to-follow introductory guide tells you everything you need to know to get started. Covering the basics of posture, breathing and other practical considerations, as well as guided visualizations, single-point meditation and the power of light, sound and silence, the exercises and techniques will help you develop meditation skills and find your own oasis of calm.