We're Also Vegan

S1E19 Camel And Elephant Activism



Eliza and Leah researched the heavy topic of camel and elephant oppression. Both mammals have been treated very similar in the fact that they are over worked for the unnatural jobs assigned to them. For camels, taking tourists on rides through the desert without proper hydration and nutrition, let alone the constant movement needed to meet consumer demands contributes to their commonly aggravated character. And for elephants, being put out of their element in the circus arena and for tourist rides as well have lead to loneliness for these social animals, a shortened life span and even ailments like arthritis from long days on concrete floor. While they might be fun to look at and ride on, the problems elephants and camels face from the circus and tourist riding institutions are essentially due to the abuse and denial, on our part as humans, of their rights to live in their natural habitats and our failed perception that these animals are tools to be bent for our wills and pleasures. Thanks for listening!!