We're Also Vegan

S1E20 Our Super Immunity



This week Eliza and Leah discuss and review their newest read, Super Immunity by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Both were fascinated by the personal stories and research presented as he wrote about how a nutrient rich, plant-based diet increases your immunity from even something so simple as the common cold. Eliza and Leah learned so much from his book, especially about the often neglected micronutrients which, as they found out, are essential for cultivating a protective diet. Dr. Fuhrman wants everyone to adopt healthy eating habits so that when faced with illness the body can fight off that virus or bacteria before it becomes a real issue. Visit http://www.drfuhrman.com/ for more info! Thanks for listening!! Help spread the word, keep us accountable, and create a connected community of encouragement as we go through life as vegans by giving the pod a nice review and sharing it with your friends, family, and strangers! If you'd like to follow up between episodes, find Eliza and Leah on Instagram @werealsovegan!