Doing A Good.

Screen Time & Climate Change



This week kicks off with an exploration into La Croix ranking & asks the burning question: why does anyone like mixed berry? Ken & Car go behind the scenes with insider info on audio books & dish on editing.  On this, the eve of Car’s (and Cary’s) anniversary, they do some Fancy Talk about sacred jewelry upkeep (Car’s engagement ring) and everyone Does A Little Learn. The friends also do a quick check in on Sleep Journeys: what it does, what it doesn’t, what it is right now and how some people nail it.  Ken recaps the finale of The Bachelor (since Car refuses to watch) and they explore what went wrong & what Jed could have done differently, which segues perfectly into this week’s Beefy News: the “only once” concept of marriage. Why do so many folks say they “only want to do this once” like it’s a unique sentiment? Can we expand our ideas of marriage & partnership? Will the social opinion on divorce continue to evolve? When to work & when to walk? What is “right” & what is “wrong”? With more questions than ans