Doing A Good.

That’s The T(ea)



Ken is back from Ken’s European Adventure! Real life has resumed & the friends have returned, to first dish on the trip: the location lowdown, city rankings, new beverage alert!, historical importance & landmarks, general vibes and a highlight reel of Paris, Berlin & Copenhagen. They discuss stepping away from the phone & the psychic effects of being both “on” and “off line” before Ken comes in with some Hot Goss. The Hot Goss is emotional & juicy this week: Car braces for impact on the big reveal of...wait for it...a Golden Girls Reboot (no), the friends guess how many kids Alec Baldwin has (a lot), J-lo nabbing that Oscar buzz (and still slays in that dress), Bachelor In Paradise takeaways (you already know), and ABC let downs (“It should have been you, Mike” & “it isn’t about you, Peter”). The final journey this week is into an #almostfamous moment with Car, where she shares her recent audition failure. Plus: Pod recs! Embarrassing food mistakes! Jerry’s new toy! The T vs The Tea! Pet Nat! Bach Book Club!