Baseball Buffet

Baseball Buffet 46



Welcome to Baseball Buffet our monthly roundtable focusing on recent baseball events. Today we offer our 2021 hall of fame predictions as well as our own personal choices. Will this be the year the “steroid boys,” Bonds and Clemens finally breakthrough the Hall of Fame doors? Next we look at the MLB’s decision to include the Negro Leagues as part of major league baseball. What are the implications for baseball and its history? We end our day’s ZOOM dinning with our last bites. Our buffet of baseball commentators include: --Andie Giafaglione, award winning photographer and former image master of the Chicago Cubs. --Chuck Hildebrandt, award winning baseball researcher and Chair emeritus of SABR’s Baseball and the Media Research Committee. --Stuart Shea, author of Wrigley Field: The Long Life and Contentious Times of the Friendly Confines. --Your host is Jim Walker, author of Crack of the Bat: A History of Baseball on the Radio.