On Belief

Episode 9



Episode 9 In Canada, Muslim has mostly come to mean a religious identity. But in the past, in other places, it had a far more expansive meaning. Being Muslim went beyond religious ritual observance. It also often said something about where one came from, what food one ate, and which language one spoke. As Muslims leave their countries of origin and make Canada their home, they are re-imagining the ways in which they engage with their Muslimness. They are reviving conversations about the potential for expanding "Muslim" to, once again, encompass more than merely faith. Elamin Abdelmahmoud, Bano Murtuja, and Samira Mohyeddin were all born elsewhere and have come to call Canada home. And despite widely different background, they have all grappled with the question, what does it mean to call oneself Muslim? Music: Passage by Scott Buckley from scottbuckley.com.au