On Belief

Episode 10



Read the news, turn on the TV, or tune into social media and you’ll instantly be surrounded by confusion and anger. We’ve entered an era of harsh political rhetoric fuelled by a kind of fact-free or, as some would call it, post-truth worldview. Our politics have become divisive and it’s easy to feel untethered, to feel as though there’s no solid moral ground to stand on. Thinking about the role of faith in confronting this chaos is usually left to those who live a religious or spiritual life. But for many people, hanging on to faith-based values or spiritual lessons, whether they live a religious life or not, is one way to navigate through the noise and find a moral way forward. For this final episode of On Belief, we’ve brought together a group of people to talk about their experience of faith and how the values they draw from that background have guided them through conflict and change. Thanks to our guests Lisa Goldman in New York, Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims in Ottawa, Umer Lee in St. Louis, and Emily Lo