Radio Free Albion

Episode 11: Larry Sawyer



Larry Sawyer curates the Myopic Books Poetry Series and is also the co-director of The Chicago School of Poetics.  He was recently voted Best Poet by The Chicago Reader in its readers' poll for a second year. His books include Vertigo Diary (BlazeVox, 2013) and Unable to Fully California (Otoliths, 2010). His poetry and critical reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Boston Review, Chicago Tribune, Coconut, Court Green, Exquisite Corpse, Forklift Ohio, Jacket (Australia), Matter, NY Arts Magazine, Paper Tiger (Australia), Ploughshares, The Prague Literary Review, Skanky Possum, Tabacaria (Portugal), Vanitas, Van Gogh's Ear (France), Versal (Holland), Verse Daily, and VLAK (France). He also edits with Lina ramona Vitkauskas.