Radio Free Albion

Episode 24: Jeffery Conway



Jeffery Conway's most recent book is Showgirls: The Movie in Sestinas (BlazeVOX Books, 2014).  His other books include The Album That Changed My Life (Cold Calm Press, 2006), a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award in Poetry, and two collaborations with Lynn Crosbie and David Trinidad, Chain Chain Chain (Ignition Press, 2000) and Phoebe 2002: An Essay in Verse (Turtle Point Press, 2003).  His work appears in a variety of magazines and journals, including The World, The Portable Lower East Side, B City, Brooklyn Review, McSweeney’s, and Court Green.  His poems can be found in many anthologies, such as The Incredible Sestina Anthology and Rabbit Ears: The First Anthology of Poetry about TV.