Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Overcoming Worry



How to overcome worry In this weeks episode of Angels Don't Lie I am talking about worry, anxiety, stress and the things that block our joy that we carry within us. And how these are the stopping points where we aren't able to connect to our intuition, or know our truth. We all have the ability to raise our vibration, to connect with our soul and work with the desires that are meant for us instead of always trying and trying and trying to get stuff that doesn't really belong to us.  You will hear on air readings with several callers, Shanda's reading is one of great depth and importance!  I hope you enjoy this episode of Angels Don't Lie. I would appreciate if you subscribe and leave me a comment, I answer each one! Blessings xx Jeanne  Click Here if you are Interested in work with me privately Want to attend one of my events   My Books Believe . . . Angels Don't Lie The Goddess You Connect with me on Social Media Facebook … Instagram …