Tell Somebody

National Broadband Policy & Remembering a Courageous House Vote



 The FCC is seeking public input as they formulate a national broadband strategy. They are seeking public comments until July 8th – The media reform advocacy group Free Press recently released a paper: Dismantling Digital Deregulation: Toward a National Broadband Strategy . The paper argues that America’s broadband failure is rooted in poor policy decisions made by the FCC. Free Press believes the FCC must learn from their past mistakes in order to create a national broadband strategy that finally delivers fast, open and affordable Internet to everyone.   We'll hear from Free Press' Campaign Director Timothy Karr. Dismantling Digital Deregulation: Toward a National Broadband Strategy  On June 10th we read in the Kansas City Star that former U.S. Representative Karen McCarthy is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and is now living in a area nursing home.  We'll repeat part of an interview McCarthy gave to Tell Somebody last summer w