Tell Somebody

FAIR on media mis-coverage of healthcare reform, & more on KC WMD



Be sure to scroll down for links to past shows - also scroll through We talked a lot on Tell Somebody about bad media coverage generally, and specifically on the subject of healthcare reform: Tom Klammer: Who Sits at the Health-Reform Table? Recently on Counterspin on KKFI, we heard about a Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting online petition demanding that TV networks stop their blackout of single payer.  I read more at, and then I contacted FAIR's communications director, Isabel Macdonald, who told us more about the petition, and gave a preview of coming attractions in FAIR's magazine Extra! And, again, please hold up your hand if you already knew that 85% of the non-nuclear components for the US nuclear weapons arsenal are made right her in Kansas City.  GSA/NNSA/PIEA and a compliant Kansas City, MO city council have worked a tax break deal with private developers to boondoggle- er I mean build - a new WMD plant, and DOE is looking at dumping waste mercury in the old plant.