Tell Somebody

David Swanson - Undoing the Imperial Presidency, Mad As Hell Doctors & Mary Lindsay's TIF Delay



On this week's Tell Somebody, David Swanson, co-founder of, talks about his new book Daybreak, Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union. After that, we climb aboard the Mad As Hell Doctors motor home as it angrily speeds down I-80 towards Des Moines, ultimately headed for Washington D.C.  Dr. Paul Hochfeld tells why they're mad as hell about sham healthcare reform. But before all that, I have a comment on the twice-delayed appointment of Mary Lindsay to the Kansas City, MO Tax Increment Financing Commission.  Lindsay's appointment was finally approved by the city council two days after the broadcast. And stick around to the end of the broadcast - former CIA analyst Ray McGovern has a few quick words about the importance of supporting community radio and shows like Tell Somebody. Tom Klammer