Tell Somebody

David Cobb in Kansas City for the Move To Amend the Constitution



The November 16, 2010 edition of Tell Somebody featured an excerpt of former Green Party Presidential nominee David Cobb's November 14th Kansas City speech on the Move to Amend the Constitution to overturn "corporate personhood."  But first, some background on corporate personhood and the Citizens United v FEC Supreme Court decision from author and radio host Thom Hartmann, Public Citizen's Craig Holman, and more.  The show ends with Robin Monahan of the Marching Monahans - - giving an account of the completion of their walk from California to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Click on the the pod icon above or the .mp3 filename below to listen to the show, or right-click and choose save target as to save a copy of the audio file to your computer.  You can also subscribe to the podcast, for free, at the iTunes store or your podcast directory.  If you have any comments or questions about the show or any problems accessing the files, send an email to: