Watered Grass

S4E28 Stress-Reducing Strategies for Working and Learning from Home



In this week's episode, Diana Fuller from Watered Grass and Dr. Lisa Wisniewski of Progress Not Perfection tackle tips for those just starting to work or learn from home. When lines get blurred between our two settings, it's easy to find our productivity impacted or feel pressured to keep checking off the to-do list beyond our regular hours. Tune in to learn how to keep a healthy work-life balance and stay on track to accomplish your goals from the comfort of home.  Check out Lisa's website and podcast here. Let’s support ourselves and our small businesses during this time! Every Saturday at 10 am on Zoom Watered Grass will collaborate with one of the podcast’s previous guests to share with you a chance to connect and be well. All events are a suggested donation of $7 for those that can, and free for those that can’t.  $5 from each donation supports the small business owner leading us that day – the rest covers ticketing fees so we can present these events! Get your tickets here