Tell Somebody

Alicia Dressman on Nuclear LEP's & Disarmament plus Kansas City Plant, Bank of America & bit of Glenn Greenwald



On April 8, 2010, the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was signed in Prague.  Very shortly after that, Alicia Dressman appeared on the show to explain some of the issues related to START and how this is related to the U.S. Nuclear weapons Complex and Kansas City's prominent role in the complex.   In June 2013, President Obama made a speech in Berlin including some remarks about nuclear weaons. Independent researcher Alicia Dressman returned for the July 2, 2013 edition of the show to talk about nuclear disarmament and Life Extension Programs (LEP's).  After that, news about the Kansas City nuclear weapons parts plant, talk of misdeeds by and related to Bank of America, the great PR BoA gets on public television, and finally an excerpt of Glenn Greenwald's remarks about press coverage of Edward Snowden's NSA whistleblowing. This page and the podcast are produced and maintained by Tell Somebody and may or may not reflect the edition of the show broadcast on the radio. Click on the pod icon above, or