Watered Grass

S5E11: Common Empath/HSP Triggers and 3 Tips to Recover



In order to live our happiest and healthiest lives, we first have to know what's triggering our stress responses.  Sometimes, it's not as obvious- especially if your superpowers include heightened sensitivity.  In today's episode, I'll break down some of the most common triggers for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People.  Stay tuned through the end of the episode, where I'll share 3 of my favorite tips for navigating around Empath/HSP triggers. This free event happen this Thursday, October 29 live on Zoom at 7pm EST! The triggers from today's episode can come at us in new and different ways based on all that 2020 has thrown at us.  Grab your live ticket or access to the replay at this link. Let's find more joy and celebration this holiday season! During this 4 week group coaching program, learn how to navigate these triggers in a way that allows the holidays to be fun.  Learn more about the program and claim your spot here.