Tell Somebody

CIA Admits 1953 Iran Coup, Chelsea Manning Sentenced to 35 Years, Looming Community Radio Deadline



On the August 22, 2013 edition of Tell Somebody, we hear from Malcolm Byrne, deputy director of the National Security Archive, about their release of recently desclassified documents on the 60th anniversary of the overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh that are believed to be the first formal acknowledgement by the CIA of their role in the coup. In a segment recorded the day that whistleblower Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning, was sentenced to 35 years in prison, we hear from Nathan Fuller of the Bradley Manning support network.  The morning after this was recorded, Manning released a statement through her attorney that she wished to be known henceforth as Chelsea. In the final segment, as a deadline for hundreds, possibly thousands, of new low power FM radio stations rapidly approaches, we re-air a March, 2012 interview with Brandy Doyle of the Prometheus Radio Project about the potential of LPFM. This page and the podcast are produced and maintained by Tell Somebody and may or may not reflect