Tell Somebody

Ray McGovern on Syria



Ray McGovern returned for the September 12, 2013 edition of Tell Somebody to talk about Syria.  How much confidence should we have in the Obama administration's 'high confidence' that the Assad regime was responsible for the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria?  What about claims by President Obama and Secretary Kerry about Iran's possible nuclear weapons ambitions?  Why did Ray tear a page out of the pocket-size copy of the U.S. Constitution given to him by Dennis Kucinich?   This page and the podcast are produced and maintained by Tell Somebody and may or may not reflect the edition of the show broadcast on the radio. Click on the pod icon above, or the .mp3 filename below to listen to the show, or right click and choose "save target as" or "save link as" to save a copy of the audio file to your computer. You can also subscribe to the podcast, for free, at the iTunes store or other podcast directory. If you have any comments or questions on the show, or problems accessing the files, send an email