Tell Somebody

The Cable Lobby vs Community Broadband



Recently Todd O’Boyle of Common Cause brought my attention to a Kansas Senate bill, authored by a cable industry lobbyist, which would outlaw community broadband in Kansas.  Subsequently I came across an article online written by O’Boyle’s colleague Christopher Mitchell who wrote that the bill in question, if passed, would create some of the most draconian limits on building networks that we have seen in any state.   On  Tell Somebody  on February 13, 2014, Todd O’Boyle and Christopher Mitchell came on the air to talk about community broadband and industry efforts in Kansas and across the country to outlaw it.   Todd O’Boyle is  Common Cause’s Program Director for Media and Democracy.  He joined Common Cause in September 2012 and is responsible for research, advocacy, and strategy for media reform.    Christopher Mitchell is the Director of the Telecommunications as Commons Initiative with the New Rules Project of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance.   Click on the pod icon above, or the .mp3 filename below