Tell Somebody

The Economy - Does More Government Help or Hurt?



On September 16, 2014, the Kansas City Public Library hosted a discussion on the proper role of government in the economy between Stephanie Kelton, chair of the Department of Economics at UMKC, and University of Missouri economics professor Joseph Haslag. The event was moderated by KCPT-TV host Mike Shanin and co-sponsored by the Jobs Now! Coalition and the Show-Me Institute. With Q and A, the discussion went on over one hour and twenty minutes, too long for the show, but on this September 25, 2014 edition of Tell Somebody, you’ll hear the statements of professors Kelton and Haslag.   But first, a few words on the September 22 front page article in the New York Times prominently featuring the National Nuclear Security Administration nuclear weapons parts plant in Kansas City, and on how the Sunday network TV talking head political shows pretended that 400,000+ people were not in the streets of New York  city talking about climate change.   Click on the pod icon above, or the .mp3 filename below to listen to t