Tell Somebody

The Blotch on Holder’s Legacy as Attorney General…& the Other Blotch…& the Other Blotch…&…



Attorney General Eric Holder recently announced his intention to resign as soon as a replacement can be nominated and confirmed.  This sparked much comment on what the legacy of the first African-American AG will be.  Assessments of Holder ranged from the looney-tune far right echo-chamber criticism, to fawning, uncritical praise from some middle-left arenas.  The closest thing to consensus might be that he did not do nearly enough to bring top Wall Street wrong-doers to justice in the wake of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, but that he was a true champion in his defense of civil rights and voting rights.  On the October 2, 2014 edition of Tell Somebody, Public Citizen’s Financial Policy Advocate Bart Naylor supports the former position, and Glen Ford with the Black Agenda Report dismantles the latter.  We leave press freedom and whistleblower persecution and other blotches for another time.  Click on the pod icon above, or the .mp3 filename below to listen to the show, or right-click a