Moving Well Podcast

Ep 03: What you should work on when you're pregnant



  Oftentimes, new moms hear about all the things they can’t do once they find out they’re pregnant or with a new baby at home. In this episode, Nikki Naab-Levy talks with prenatal and postpartum fitness expert Rebecca Crouse-Roman about the things you should work on when you’re pregnant. 3 things to focus on during and after your pregnancy 1) Shoulder stability and strength After you’ve had your baby, your going to use your arms. A lot. You’ll be holding him or her while breast feeding, pushing strollers, lifting bulky bags and transferring car seats. Talking the time to create strong stable shoulders during pregnancy will decrease your risk of shoulder injury and pain and help prepare you for the new loads your arms will experience after you’ve had your baby. Some examples of good arm exercises include targeting the rotator cuff and doing bicep curls and rows with an emphasis on good shoulder alignment, over load. 2) Walking Walking is one of the best exercises you can do when you’re pregnant, because it’s l