Moving Well Podcast

Ep 10: How much does alignment matter?



When it comes to the consideration of alignment, the fitness world tends to be divided. Some professionals are concerned with the act of getting people to move more, while others believe that you can't really get the benefit of moving without being in or close to ideal alignment. So how much does alignment really matter? In this episode, Janet and Nikki discuss how to find a balance between training for good alignment and function and moving for recreation and fun. They cover how load affects how much alignment maters (higher load = a higher risk of injury, so alignment matters more) as well as what do you if you have any underlying structural issue that stops you from being able to access that ideal alignment. They also discuss Dr. Jonathan Hoffman's model of how to create balanced movement (fit, foundation and fun) from his book Being Fit: A collection of essays on achieving a healthy, active lifestyle in the modern world.