Moving Well Podcast

Ep 13: Heather Umberger | Using play to improve fitness



In this episode, Nikki and Janet chat with integrative wellness practitioner Heather Umberger, M.S. counseling about the importance of play in movement and how play can be used as a tool to more effectively reach your fitness goals. They discuss how play can improve confidence and create an experience that keeps you wanting to return to an activity (like exercise) rather than avoid it. Heather explains how we've been evolved to use play as a tool to grow learn and develop. She offers tips for how you can incorporate play into your fitness program (even if you're super linear). Benefits of playful movement: It helps you work harder without the same level of discomfort More self confidence Improved mental outlook and decrease stress levels Less self consciousness - helps you take more risks Studies have found when movement is viewed as play and not exercise, then you're more likely to make healthy food choices More creativity and productivity  Examples of playful movement and fitness: Games (e.g. tag, adult