Moving Well Podcast

Ep 15: Dr. Ada Wells | Injury prevention for rotational sports



In this episode, Janet and Nikki talk with Ada Wells, Doctorate of Physical Therapy and sports rehab expert about how to reduce your risk of pain and injury when playing rotational sports (e.g. golf, tennis, running). They cover myths and misconceptions about training for rotational sports, core control versus core strength (plus why you need both) and the most common causes of injury in rotational sports. Additionally, they discuss when to stretch or stabilize something and what parts of the body need stability and mobility to increase power and decrease pain. Areas that typically need more stability: Foot Lower back (lumbar spine) Areas that typically need more mobility Ankle Hip Midback (thoracic spine) *The shoulder girdle typically needs both mobility and stability Links Mentioned: Tutorial of Ada's favorite foundational exercises for sports training: Ada Wells, PT, DPT, PMA®-CPT, Level 3 TPI Golf Medical Professional Owner of ProBalance, Inc. Ada Wells, DPT, PMA®-