Moving Well Podcast

Ep 46: Courtney Townley | On goal setting and deep health



In this episode, Janet and Nikki chat with health coach Courtney Townley about how to set meaningful goals. They cover: Why knowing your why is important for setting a goal that you'll actually follow through on Strategies to identify your why Why most women struggle to reach their health and fitness goals How to combat overwhelm Why consistency gets you better results than drastic action The role of self compassion in reaching your gals and achieving better health Why self awareness and tracking can make the difference in creating progress How to find the balance between grace and grit About Courtney Townley: Courtney began working in the fitness industry over two decades ago when she transitioned from the professional dance world. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a BFA and is fully certified as a STOTT PILATES® instructor, National Strength and Conditioning personal trainer (NSCA-CPT), ACE Health Coach, Precision Nutrition Level 2 Coach. She is also a very proud student of the Ido Portal