Moving Well Podcast

Ep 55: Nico Gonzalez | On diversity, finding your voice and owning your teaching style



In this episode, Janet and Nikki chat with Pilates teacher and educator Nico Gonzalez about his experiences of being a minority in the Pilates industry and his strategies for combining Pilates and traditional fitness in his studio fitness physiques by Nico G.  They cover: How being male and minority opens certain professional doors and closes others How different people can get away with using different words and styles of cuing Strategies for making Pilates feel more accessible to male clients Ways to introduce mind body work to clients who are more interested in exercises that feel "hard"  How teaching Pilates in an instructor education setting is different than creating a tailored session for clients About Nico Gonzalez Nico Gonzalez is the studio owner of Fitness Physiques by Nico G, an international fitness educator, trainer, and motivational speaker. Certified through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) for group fitness and personal training and the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) for Pilates traini