So You Want To Start A Business

E55 The Sharing Economy: Vanouhi Nazarian; Founder of Kindershare



Kindershare connects owners and renters of children's equipment. As founder, Vanouhi is responsible for all operational, growth and development opportunities.  Vanouhi is a passionate and self-motivated individual who is dedicated to the for-purpose sector Vanouhi uses her skills to create value that isn't measured only in dollars.   Website: FB:   This episode is brought to you by my book "So You Want to Start a Business; the 7 steps to create, start and grow your own business" This is the only advertising on this podcast! My guess is that you are here because you are curious about what it might be like to start a business? Perhaps you’ve been wondering if you have what it takes? If your idea will work or even how much it actually costs to build a successful business? I’ve written a book that can answer pretty much all your questions “So You Want to Start a Business” and you can download the first 20 pages at My 15 years of experien