So You Want To Start A Business

E115 Karthika Gupta is a Story Teller and a Photographer,



CulturallyOurs is a way to collectively explore, showcase and celebrate lifestyle, food, art, travel and culture from around the world. This is done through audio and visual media.   Their mission is to Share personal narratives and stories through the podcast Create thought provoking and informative visuals and articles through through the journal, and Offer immersive cultural experiences through retreats.  After a successful 15 year career in banking, finance and management, Karthika turned to photography 8 years ago as a way to creatively share compelling real life stories for her clients. Now through CulturallyOurs, she wants to take that to the next level. Karthika's goal is to showcase the beautiful and the diverse world we live in by way of conversations, narratives, visuals and hands-on experiences.  Website social media links