So You Want To Start A Business

E127 Have you ever thought about going into space?



I’m trying something new this month and I'm keen to know from you if it's helpful? and will I keep doing it? Between the regular interviews I’m sharing my thoughts on a particular aspect of business that will help take you closer to business success and ultimately Financial Independence. Please let me know if this is a useful "in between" episode to our regular podcast interviews. We’ll be back next week with an interview – and for the next few weeks I’ll be here with the in-between weeks' thoughts and ideas If you have questions about achieving Financial Independence through building your viable and thriving business – send me an email ingrid@h... I answer all my own emails Today I am talking about the very important questions: Where are you going? What do you want your business to be? What do you want your business to give you? To answer these questions I introduce you to Chris Hadfield, an astronaut. What can an astronaut teach about business? A lot! Listen in and let me know what you think. Links from the