So You Want To Start A Business

E139 Making Friends with Fear



Fear holds many people back from truly making their impact in the world, from being more true to who they want to be, who they are meant to be. Maybe this is you? I usually consider myself to be brave, to be courageous and yet at times I find myself - apprehensive - that's my word for fear! We've learned to name it other things. In this episode I talk about a technique that I have found incredibly helpful. It's making friends with fear and understanding what my fear is protecting me from. You may have heard of neuroscience which has given us incredible understanding of how our brains work.   I believe you will find this episode interesting and helpful. Let me know what you think - in iTunes or send me an email Please share this episode with everyone you know who needs this right now! and I thank you in advance for sharing this episode. If you are feel like you cannot get your brain around the financial jargon, the business terminology and all the other concepts then I invite you t