So You Want To Start A Business

E147 How to have more confidence than you could possibly imagine !



Accelerate your Business Financial Confidence is starting soon - 6 week Accelerator program that will change your life completely and forever When you understand how money works in your business your life changes completely and forever !! A few weeks ago a came across this book: The XX Brain by Dr Lisa Mosconi Click here for more information Over the past decade we have come to know so much more about the brain – through neuroscience and brain studies and extensive research. Dr Lisa is especially interested in women’s health – and preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s One of the things Dr Lisa talks about in her book is the importance of sleep - for the brain I love to sleep - and to sleep well! I believe our confidence is directly affected by how much sleep we get. I know my confidence certainly is related to how much sleep I have.... maybe you find the same?? It occurred to me that this is a key ingredient to be more successful in business - being more confident In th