
003: Lawyer-Futurist-Disrupter Mitch Jackson on Daring to be Different



Conversation with attorney-futurist-disrupter Mitch Jackson about daring to be different to succeed in business and life.  Mitch Jackson is all over the streaming space at periscope and Facebook live which he uses to build a global audience and, collaterally, his business.  Mitch is all about sharing the information he has and encouraging people and lawyers to use new technology to compete in today's business world.  He is all about using technology to help others.  What's also impressive is that he is an early adapter of these techniques to promote his law practice.  Mitch Jackson will be speaking at Summit Live in Los Angeles, California in February 2017.  Check the show notes at for links to his social and websites.  Show Notes: Episode 003: Lawyer-Futurist-Disrupter Mitch Jackson on Daring To Be Different On today’s episode, Jennifer interviews Lawyer-Futurist-Disrupter Mitch Jackson on Daring to Be Different. Mitch is an award-winning attorney and a fearless early adapter of live-