Spartanburg City News

City News Podcast: Looking forward to 2013



It's a new year in Spartanburg, and in order to know where we're going, take a look at where we've been. To get the real picture of where we are at the beginning of 2013, take at the tremendous progress made not just in 2012, but also in the years before.   On this podcast, we do just that, picking up where we left off last week, discussing how far we've come since the Great Recession four years ago. One glaring difference between now and then: the new sense of forward-looking optimism emerging in our community, and how that gradually has begun to translate into increasingly bigger and better developments for Spartanburg. What does that mean for 2013? Well, we'd never be foolish enough to claim to know for sure (), but what we do know is that our city has the flexibility and creativity to meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that lay ahead.