Spartanburg City News

City News Podcast: How Downtown Spartanburg leads the way on jobs



Do you work in or near Downtown Spartanburg? If you do, you're definitely not alone. It might not make headlines the way our county's industrial titans (justifiably) do when they announce an expansion, but thousands of people spend their workdays in and around Downtown Spartanburg. How many? Check out the infographic below to get a little perspective.     Pretty impressive, right? And it's not just the numbers; it's the economic diversity. Many folks in the private sector such as attorneys, accountants, and executives spend their days working within a stone’s throw of artists, educators, nonprofit, and public sector workers. Employees and business owners of all types create and share in the web of activity our downtown offers.   Today on the podcast, we're talking with Assistant City Manager Chris Story to get a little perspective on those numbers. What do those thousands of workers bring to Spartanburg, and why is it important that we not only celebrate the economic success of Downtown Spartanburg today, bu