Spartanburg City News

Join us for the 2014 International Festival, Oct. 4 at Barnet Park



One of our city's most popular events is back again at Barnet Park, as Spartanburg gears up for the 2014 International Festival on Saturday, October 4 from . Japan is this year's honored country, and to celebrate we've got some great additions to this year's festival, including , bon dancing, Japanese tea ceremony demostrations, and much more.   Of course, it wouldn't be the International Festival without our ever-popular Boulevard of Food. With booths offering festival-goers the chance to sample food from Germany, Japan, El Salvador, France, Kenya, Peru, Tanzania, Hondurus, Dominican Republic, Laos, Jamaica, and many more, it's easy to understand why the hottest ticket in town this weekend will be a food coupon at International Festival.   Food isn't the only thing on the agenda though. You can also travel the globe in less time than it normally takes to make an airline reservation when strolling through the Avenue of Nations. Get your name written in Chinese or learn about the diverse and ancient culture of