Spartanburg City News

Barter Boat docked at Fr8yard in Downtown Spartanburg



One person's trash is another person's treasure, right? A traveling interactive art project with roots in Spartanburg is in Downtown Spartanburg through May 5 to test that theory. Barter Boat, a project of Radar Art, a group formed by former Hub-Bub Artists-in-Residence, Anna Abhau-Elliott, Robin Schwartzman, and Desiree Moore, is set up at Fr8yard and will be encouraging passers-by to trade whatever they have at hand for curated assemblages of objects previously bartered at the project's other stops throughout the country   Today on the podcast, we're talking with Anna about Barter Boat, getting an idea of what potential participants can expect as well as delving into the thinking behind the project. Stop by to make a trade, and be sure to follow them on and to keep up with where your objects might end up!