

This week on the Rising Women Leaders podcast, I interviewed yoga teacher and published author, Kimber Simpkins.  I met Kimber when we were teaching yoga at the same studio in Berkeley three years ago.  I instantly fell in love with her classes, her singing with the harmonium, and her passion of writing. Since I've known Kimber, she finished writing her book, self-published it, and then signed a contract to re-release it with a national publisher.  Her book, Full: How I learned to Satisfy My Insatiable Hunger and Feed My Soul, is now available online and in bookstores across the country.  Her next book, 52 Ways to Love Your Body is officially coming out in January. As a writer and yoga teacher myself, I was excited to sit down with Kimber and hear more about her story, how she published her first book, and what role vulnerability and self-love played in the process. In this episode we talk about: Daily practices to love our body One of Kimber's favorite meditation practices from Pema Chodron How we've been i