Rising Women Leaders: Spirituality | Yoga | Personal Growth | Health & Lifestyle | Online Business

019 | The Power of Self-Love with Meredith Rom



On Friday I made an instagram post for the women in my community who I knew were feeling the energies of what is happening at Standing Rock. As sensitive beings, we can so easily pick up on the emotions in the air around what is happening to our Mother Earth as well as the anger and emotions from the tribes protecting their water.   I wrote this message as a reminder that we are all doing our part to heal the collective...as I believe how we treat ourselves is a valid place to start in healing our world.   (Scroll to the bottom of this message to read the full post). And today I have a new podcast for you, on the power of self-love.  To me, self-love is about knowing how to show up for ourselves when challenges and difficulties arise.  When we create that foundation of self-love, that's when we can live beyond our fears and fully share our gifts with the world, knowing that no matter what happens, we will be okay.  In many ways, it's much easier to do acts of self-care like yoga practice, meditation, and