Rising Women Leaders: Spirituality | Yoga | Personal Growth | Health & Lifestyle | Online Business

049 | Awakening Shakti & The Rise of the Feminine with Lisa Schrader



Talking with Lisa was like a deep breath of fresh air. I felt a total permission to slow down, remember my body, my breath and my heart. For all of you who have been moving fast, trying to "do it all", just waiting for that moment to have a sacred pause, you are going to love taking this time to surrender to the feminine in this conversation with Lisa today.  I hope you enjoy the show!  "This quality of magnetic, shakti, potency came from me learning to love myself, me learning to delight in the birthright of my own sacred sensual self as a woman." In this episode we discussed: How Lisa shifted from a lifestyle of overachieving to finding balance with her feminine essence A turning point in her life when she had two miscarriages and how that brought her deeper on her path Sacred Sensuality and tapping into our Feminine Power Finding Balance as Modern Day Lovers, Mother and Leaders The miracle of being invited to be on "Oprah" to talk about tantra with her past husband A guided embodiment practice to connect