Strongher Podcast

Small Ways to Start Reclaiming Home



This month’s theme is centered around reclaiming home. Reclaiming home can feel like a monumental task when we approach it as an endless to-do list. Don’t underestimate the power of small things. How can we just get started, so we can start to see success in the small things? In episode 32 of the StrongHerMe podcast, we discuss how seemingly small things can have great impact and what to do when you get discouraged by how small your resources are in comparison to what you want to accomplish it. Show Notes StrongHerMe Facebook group   Subscribe to the StrongHer Podcast and published episodes will come right to the podcast app on your phone and/or join our email list for a daily email reminder when a new episode is ready. If you enjoyed the show, please subscribe, rate it on iTunes with a short review. Connect with Kendra personally @kendratillman OR @strongherme on Instagram. Ask a question on the podcast episode at or by emailing