Strongher Podcast

Should I start a nonprofit or a for profit business?



I’m Kendra Tillman your host and the founder of StrongHer.Me where we encourage and equip go-getter women act more courageously in their calling as a wife, mom and entrepreneur. In general, May is a big month for moms. There’s Mother’s day and graduations. High school graduations, specifically, are big days in a mom’s life. I know because our oldest daughter is graduating this month. High school graduation is when our children take a major step in their journey of crossing from childhood into adulthood. Over this school year, I've spent a great deal of time reflecting on my journey with her.  What I know to be true is engaged parenting requires emotional and physical energy.​ So much learning and impartation has happened, knowingly and unknowingly, in the last 17/18 years of our child's life. It's normal to feel inadequate. "Did we do enough?" "Should I have done that differently?" "Will he/she be ok?" "What kind of life will they have?" ​ "Will they seek out a relationship with God, when we aren't around?" T