Strongher Podcast

The Go-Getter Woman's Guide to 1 Day Goal Planning with La'Vista Jones



Do you struggle with setting or achieving the goals you set for yourself? Do you want to set goals but you're discouraged because of past failures? In episode 67 of the podcast my special guest, La'Vista Jones of 31 Marketplace and I walk you through identifying and achieving your most desired goals and how to form new beliefs to support you in achieving them. La'Vista Jones, CLBC is a certified coach and business strategist. She's also an author, speaker and community builder. She uses her former corporate experience and acumen to support other entrepreneurs in the marketplace. Her desire is to help business owners merge setting foundations for sustainability and growth with prioritizing their own self-care. La'Vista's unique magic is bringing order to the overwhelm that many solopreneurs experience in life and business. Her work focuses on streamlining processes and identifying operational gaps as well as outsourcing opportunities. La'Vista's creative approach to business analysis and implementation saves