Strongher Podcast

Books I Wish I Had Written



When we were planning the episode for the month, I knew I wanted to share with you books that I felt so perfectly aligned with that I wish I had written them myself. These books represent a specific part of my own spiritual growth journey. Many of my own core values and beliefs about calling are expressed in these books. Once you’ve listened to this episode, I hope you will share a book that communicates one of your core values as a leader. // Show Notes Ready to Rise: Own Your Voice, Gather Your Community, Step Into Your Influence by Jo Saxton  The Emotionally Healthy Woman: 8 Things to Quit to Change Your Life by Geri Scazzero The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene' Brown Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton // July #WorkYourPlan Book Club Selection: "The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life" by Edith Eger Edith Eger is a clinical psychologist and a Holocaust survivor. In the Gift she explains that the worst prison she experienced is not the prison that Nazis put her in but the one s