Circulation: Arrhythmia And Electrophysiology On The Beat

Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology February 2020 Issue



Paul J. Wang: Welcome to the monthly podcast On the Beat for Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. I'm Dr Paul Wang, editor in chief, with some of the key highlights from this month's issue. In our first paper, Ling Kuo and associates examine the association between left atrial high-resolution late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac magnetic resonance and electrogram abnormalities in patients with atrial fibrillation or AF. They found that in 40 AF patients age 63.2 years with a mean of 1312 electrogram points per patient. Lower bipolar voltage was associated with higher signal intensity Z score in patients who had undergone previous ablation coefficient equals -0.049 P < 0.001 but not in ablation-naive patients, coefficient = -0.004, P = 0.7. Left atrial high-resolution late gadolinium enhancement activation delay was associated with signal intensity z-score in patients with previous ablation, signal intensity Z score coefficient = 0.004, P < 0.001 but not in ablation-naive patients. In contrast, inc