Victoria Harvest Church

Dan and Gwen Slade - Transition Principles from Joshua



Dan and Gwen Slade: is Partners in Harvest,294 churchs (10,000 with Heidi and Roland Baker)Birthed out of revival in Toronto RevivalPartners is the wineskin to contain the revelation given in the revivalFamily oriented - family BasedLocal Churches and Missions orientedEncourages teams to go and experience the movement of GodF - Father's HeartI - IntimacyR - RestorationE - Evangelism with Signs and WondersDan's TestimonyJames 5 - Have the elders pray for the sickMini Revival based on the obedience to this command and the healing of a little girlStarted to investigate and work with John Wimber's teachingWent as missionaries to UkraineOversaw the introduction of 40 Partners in Harvest churches in the UkraineMoved back to CanadaApproached to be the international co-ordinators for PIH TeachingJoshua - Principles during TransitionVHC is in a period of transitionJoshua has principles for this periodPrinciple 1 -