Think101: Conversations

Episode 2: The Curse of Knowledge



It’s incredibly difficult to put yourself in the shoes of another person. We just can’t ignore the knowledge we have that others don’t. This “curse of knowledge” is common in teaching, argument, political discourse, conflict resolution. It’s clear that all opinions are not equal, but it’s hard to know when your opinion is the bad one. Is it possible to genuinely consider your opponent’s position without dismissing it outright? Reading: Mindware by Richard Nisbett, “Everything’s an Inference” and “The Power of the Situation”; The Wisest One in the Room by Lee Ross and Thomas Gilovich, “The Objectivity Illusion”. Guests: Jason Tangen, Matthew Thompson, Rachel Searston, Ruben Laukkonen, Gianni Ribeiro, and Zan Saeri. Learn more at