Real Estate On The Rocks Podcast

Never say these 7 words in negotiations



Never say these 7 words in negotiations. You want to make sure are coming from a place of strength and knowing that closing the deal is the most important thing. Screwing over the other side is not the objective and can hurt you in later deals in your career. 1) BUT is one of the words most often use the word, and that can hurt the way you communicate with people. 2) CAN'T is only a mask for something you don't want to do and isn't being honest with yourself or the person you're speaking with. 3) HOPE is conceding your strength or ability to the whims of the world. 4) NO and NOT is most often a way to back away from something that can be done when a yes can drive a higher level of customer service. 5) Negative actions or talk to create confrontation. 6) SHOULD, you are giving up control and not being confident in yourself or your abilities. 7) TRY, there is no try. You are either doing it, or you're not, the choice is up to you. So say what you mean and mean what you say. Improve your